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Auradha Markus was appointed as interim executive by the RA FAMC for a six-month

period which was later extended by an additional six months. In October 2022 Shiraz

Panthaky was appointed as interim executive by the RA FAMC, he resigned on

01.11.23. Rosy Shankar joined in September 2022 and Enrica Cerchi joined (part time)

in May 2023.


The GB FAMC appoints Auradha Markus as Executive, FAMC Resolution 677 for a two- month period (11.08.2022 – 11.10.2022) This appointment was never officially extended,

and was only terminated in FAMC Resolution 926 dated 27.08.2024. See attached FAMC

Resolution. Therefore, Auradha Markus was an official executive of Afsanah Guest

House from 11.08.2022 until 27.08.2024


We (Rosy, Enrica, Auradha) wrote to the FO FAMC and the GH trustees, requesting to

be officially appointed as Executives. We never received a response to our email despite

sending multiple further reminders.


We received a loan request for Rs. 4.33 lakhs from Selvam for Abundance Guest

House. This loan request was refused based on the CoC guidelines.


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After two years of employing Shankar (who is also the GH Trust accountant) as the

Afsanah Guest House personal accountant, we decided to change to another

accountant and employed Subu (Bhadra Associates).


Without explanation or prior notice all guest payments from the Guest House Trust

Financial Service account to the Advance account of Afsanah GH were blocked. Over

the next few weeks, a total amount of over Rs. 8 lakhs accumulated, which was being

withheld by the Trustees.

Neither the GH trust accountant nor the trustees responded to our repeated email,

phone and message requests for an explanation of their actions.


The GH Trustees release approximately 3 lakh rupees of the withheld guest payments.


We received the following message from the Trustees, in which they say:

“Your tenure as interim executive of Afsanaha guest house has expired. Trustees have

decided to hold the transfers from trust account to Afsanah FS account for the time

being and made sure there's surplus funds in the FS collection and expenses accounts

for smooth operation’’

Yet, according to FAMC Resolution 926 Auradha Markus was an executive until


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We hear through rumors circulating within the community, that the GB FAMC together

with the Trustees, has appointed 3 new executives for Afsanah Guest House. The

Afsanah GH team was not informed of this decision by the GB FAMC and the Trustees.

Rosy and Auradha directly went to the GB FAMC office and spoke with Chandresh, who

was unable to answer any questions. We did not receive any communication from the

FAMC informing us of this decision.


The GB FAMC instruct the Financial Service team to freeze all accounts of Afsanah

Guest House, despite the guest house being fully functional with guests checking in and

out on a daily basis. The Afsanah GH team does not receive any communication or


The GB FAMC writes to the Afsanah Guest House team that they will come for a site

visit on 29.08.24