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Important Notice: Correct Process for Newcomer Admission to Auroville

1 message

Mass Bulletin Auroville <> Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 17:22

To: Mass Bulletin Auroville <>

Attention All Newcomers!

This is a clarification announcement regarding the recent misinformation circulated by an unauthorized

group, citing a “legal notice.” Based on this, an "Entry process" is announced to be starting again. Here is all

you need to know about whether this is something you should be responding to:

● The Auroville Foundation (Admission and Termination of Persons in the Register of Residents)

Regulations, 2020, was replaced by the Auroville Foundation (Admission and Termination of Persons in the

Register of Residents) Regulations, 2023, in December 2023. This is a Ministry-approved document that is

legally binding on all.

● The new process outlined in the new Regulations is that an Admissions & Terminations Scrutinizing

Committee will be formed by the Governing Board, composed of five members, at least two of whom will be


● The Regulations were modified because Auroville’s growth and development have been stagnant for

decades, and by a cursory look at the numbers, one could see its decline. The Governing Board, mandated to

ensure Auroville’s growth, has been given the power by the Auroville Foundation Act to ensure that Auroville

develops according to its plan, i.e., to reach an eventual population of 50,000 residents as envisioned by the


● One Resident filed a Writ Petition against these Regulations at the Madras High Court. While the

operations of the Regulations have not been Stayed, the admission of names into the Register of Residents or

the removal thereof has been Stayed. This means that the High Court has not Stayed the Regulations in their

entirety at all, which makes them the Statute or Law that has to be followed.

Here is the excerpt from the order: “Until further orders, admission or termination of persons in the register of

residents of the Auroville Foundation shall not be finalized; nor shall a person be admitted or terminated from

the register of residents resorting to the impugned regulation.”

● Any Newcomer will need to go through the process outlined in these Regulations, not any other one

preceding them. Please be informed that going through any process/interviews/meetings/exchanges will be

a mere waste of time and will not lead to you becoming a Registered Auroville Resident or Aurovilian.

● Also, please be informed that a “legal notice” is not a direction from a court of law. It is the opinion of

the lawyer who is representing those who wish to indefinitely delay Auroville’s growth and development. It is

very easy to come up with a counter “legal opinion” or “notice”; however, it is not worth the effort and energy,

as it has absolutely no value in the eyes of the law.

● It is pertinent to note, however, that a Writ of Quo Warranto was filed in 2023 by seven Residents

claiming to be the "Working Committee of the Residents' Assembly," represented by Hemant Lamba, through

the same Counsel, i.e., Mr. Suchindran, who has given the "Legal Notice" or "opinion." This Writ of Quo

Warranto was filed against the Auroville Foundation as well as the actual seven-member legitimate Working

Committee, questioning its legitimacy. This Writ was categorically dismissed in August 2024 at the Madras

High Court by a single-judge bench. This explicitly means that the only legitimate Working Committee,

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constituted by the Residents Assembly, recognized by the Governing Board and upheld by a court of law, is

the one composed of the undersigned members. This fact has been conveniently suppressed in the "Legal

Notice" and in the communication on the subject matter of Auroville administration signed by the same Legal

Counsel who filed the original case.

We empathize with the unfortunate situation you all find yourselves in. We are informed that our legal team is

working actively on this, and the situation will be clarified soon.

In the meantime, you are advised to stay away from self-styled and self-appointed groups. Whatever process

you may go through with these groups will be considered invalid, and you will have to repeat the process.

If you have any other questions, you can contact us by writing to:

Best wishes & good luck on your Auroville journey.

The Working Committee


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