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AVC/ AV Council The Auroville Council The AVC has an overall

mandate to coordinate the

objectives of the working

groups of Auroville and to

ensure that they function

according to their individual

mandates. The AVC also helps

in their relations with the

residents of Auroville and

deals with emergency and

conflict issues, arranging for

mediation and arbitration

whenever necessary. The AVC

is normally composed of up

to 9 members, who usually

hold office for a period of 2

years, but may be

re-appointed. The members

of the AVC are selected by

the Residents’ Assembly, and

subsequently confirmed

through an Office Order

created by the Foundation


AVF Auroville Foundation The Auroville Foundation is

Auroville's legal entity. It has

three authorities: the

Governing Board, the

International Advisory

Council and the Residents


AVFO Auroville Foundation Office The Auroville Foundation

Office refers to the Office of

the Secretary of the Auroville


AVFO’s ‘ATDC’ The Auroville Town

Development Council

The illegally constituted ATDC

of the AVFO, which was

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appointed by the Auroville

Foundation Office.

created without any

nomination by the Residents’


AVFO’s ‘BCC’ The Budget Coordination

Committee appointed by the

Auroville Foundation Office

The AVFO’s ‘FAMC’ claimed

they had reconstituted the

BCC in July 2022. They

originally named 8 ‘new

members’, however at least 3

of the people named had no

knowledge of the

appointment. In August 2022

the RA BCC were informed

again that they were being

reconstituted, with 4

members of the AVFO’s ‘BCC’

AVFO’s ‘FAMC’ The Funds and Asset

Management Committee

appointed by the Auroville

Foundation Office.

Working against precedent,

The AVFO decided to

‘re-constitute’ the FAMC and

has actively worked to stop

the work of the FAMC RA, by

blocking email accounts and

taking over office spaces and


AVFO’s ‘Housing Service’ The Housing Service

constituted by the AVFO

In August 2022 an Office

Order was produced claiming

to reconstitute the Housing

Service. 6 new members

were named however 2 of

these members did not join.

Nearly all of the members of

the Housing Service who had

been ‘removed’ were

immediately asked to rejoin.

AVFO’s ‘WCom’ The Working Committee

appointed by the Auroville

Foundation Office

The Working Committee that

was dismantled by an RA vote

in May 2022, but continues

to be endorsed by the AVFO

and operates as a ‘shadow’

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WCom to our own,

RA-appointed Working

Committee. Confusingly, this

group also signs themselves

as ‘The Working Committee

of the Residents' Assembly’

even though they were not

elected by the Residents’


Entry Board The Entry Board is a Working

Group constituted by the

Residents’ Assembly to

welcome, register and assist

any applicant seeking

admission to Auroville;

accept or reject an applicant

in accordance with these

regulations; recommend

applicants to be entered in

the register of residents; and,

where applicable, request the

Secretary to recommend an

appropriate visa for

an applicant and his/her

descendants or wards. The

members of the Entry Board

are selected by the Residents


GB Governing Board of the

Auroville Foundation

The Governing Board of the

Auroville Foundation is one

of the 3 pillars of the

Auroville Foundation and

manages the general affairs

of the Auroville Foundation.

Its task is to promote the

ideals of Auroville, to review

and approve basic policies

and programmes, to secure

the proper management of