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Auroville’s need for help with legal fees
A very brief overview : How have we got to the stage of needing help with legal fees?
Since Dr Jayanti Ravi assumed the post of Secretary of the Auroville Foundation (AVF) in July 2021
there have been extreme disruptions to life in Auroville. The right of Aurovilians to democratically
participate in the governance of their community has been curtailed. Administrative bodies of elected
residents (known as Working Groups) have been unilaterally replaced with individuals sympathetic to
the Secretary’s and the new Governing Board’s vision of Auroville’s development. In pursuance of
that vision, roads (paid for by the Government of India) have been dug up, buildings knocked down,
the homes of Aurovilians threatened with destruction (if not actual destruction), the residents’ media
outlet (Outreach Media) has been taken over, as well as the community’s intranet discussion forum
and the email management of Auroville emails. No information is available regarding who is
managing them now and why some Aurovilians are blocked from posting views on Auronet while
others continue unhindered. A culture of fear has ensued. Foreigners live in fear of their rights to
reside here being withdrawn unless they fall in line. Some still brave enough to speak up have been
subjected to trumped up criminal charges.
Criminal charges, office orders, taking over of Working Groups, our email system and Auronet, the
arbitrary dismissal of long serving residents from their positions of service happen in the name of a
“competent authority” that refuses to identify itself and say what its legal authority is for acting as it
does. It is reasonable to assume the Secretary is central to everything happening but she very rarely
puts her name on any documents at all. The search for accountability never ends.
What is the Community doing in response?
Community members who oppose the takeover of Auroville are in a difficult situation, since attempts
to meet and speak with the Governing Board and Secretary have been ignored. There are peaceful
protests, sit-ins and other attempts to let the world know what is happening. These are fraught with
risks: The Governing Board regard themselves as the “supreme authority” in Auroville. To oppose
them is regarded as sufficiently serious that the Governing Board cites this as a ground in court
pleadings. A climate of fear has (it seems purposefully) been engendered in Auroville. Many feel
there is no choice but to approach the Courts for help. Unlike the Governing Board, the Residents
Assembly does not seek supremacy. It seeks for the Governing Board to honor the harmonious
relationship forged between all three authorities since the Auroville Foundation Act 1988 came into
force. This understanding was articulated by Mr Justice Quddhose in the High Court on 12 August
2022. He said: “The nature of the enactment [ie the 1988 Act] shows that there is no place for egoistic
thinking as all the three authorities [the third being the International Advisory Council] will have to
jointly work for the achievement of ‘The Mother's’Charter. The relationship between the three
authorities is of mutuality.”
Litigation and the need for help with legal fees
Various approaches have been made for judicial help. These have included:
1. Approaches to the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to seek its help in getting the Governing
Board to honor its legal duties in relation to the environment when ripping up trees; and
2. Approaches to the Madras High Court to challenge the Governing Board as it:
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a. Prevents the Residents’Assembly from exercising its rights under the 1988 Act such
as choosing its own working committee;
b. Takes over Auroville working groups and imposes its own handpicked members;
c. Seeks to impose its own vision of Community infrastructure development without
consulting the community (saying they did this over 20 years ago and therefore the
matter is finished);
d. Unilaterally adopts an interpretation of the Auroville Foundation Rules 1997 that has
not been followed since the Rules were implemented. The significance of this being
that it provides the ground for the Governing Board to take over the committee
selected by residents to manage Auroville’s assets and finances and the groups that
work beneath to give day to day management of Auroville assets like Housing ; and
e. Brings criminal complaints against Aurovilians who have voiced their opposition to
the actions of the Governing Board.
We do not know what long standing rights and practices will be torn up next: The statutory right of
the Community to select who joins it is under threat with its Entry Committee’s emails having been
taken over; Governing Board supporters are calling openly for the dissolution of the Auroville
Council (and thereby disbanding the body to which Aurovilians appeal against unfairness by Working
Groups – including those hand selected by the Governing Board). There is an appeal to the Supreme
Court from the NGT by the Governing Board because it refuses the limitations on its discretion that
the Tribunal imposed on it. There are appeals from the Madras High Court that could end up in the
Supreme Court too – again because the Governing Board refuses the limitations on its discretion to act
that the court imposed on it. It seeks a declaration of its supremacy. Those who love Auroville need to
be united in their resilience and hope that the courts will bring reason to it. Please help if you can.
There is an urgent need for financial support for legal and delegation fees.
If you are able to help please email