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Massbulletin 28.11.24

RA WCom: About "AVF Residence Criteria - Standing Order 2024"

Dear Community,

The so-called ‘Standing Order’ issued on the 27th of November, 2024, by Mr. Seetharaman as

OSD, has no grounds.

It aims to forcefully establish a regimented society and is blatantly in contradiction with the

Charter, the Dream and the quoted works of Sri Aurobindo that aim at an inner discovery and

growth of a group soul.

Additionally, this ‘Standing Order’ does not respect the letter and the spirit of the Auroville

Foundation Act as recognized by various orders of the Madras High Court.

Lastly, this ‘Standing Order’ does not respect proper procedure and the spirit of Auroville.

We will be communicating more about this in the coming days.


The Working Committee of the Residents’ Assembly

Aravinda, Bharathy, Chali, Mael (TOS), Matthieu, Prashant, Valli