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From News & Notes No 1052 29.11.24

As an information regarding the revelation radial - Arun, in charge of revelation

forest work , asked the CPWD (Central Public Works Department) to respect the

fence as it is an essential protection for this big area of 3 communities with farm,

forest and residences. Protection against grazing from cows and goats, as many

precious trees are regenerating naturally and are collected and transplanted which

is an important part of forest management . Protection of residents, as without

fence anybody will enter without check , including criminals. The fence needs to be

in place as long as the work is not fully completed ( including the outer ring road,

otherwise this stretch of road inside revelation has no utility at all ) and Arun gave

them permission to enter via the revelation main gate as they already did before

including for jcb. So the destruction of the fence is a forceful and unnecessary

action. In top of that the alignment has been changed 3 times already in a short

time , enough to drive anybody mad, as it implies further destruction of forest and

eventually a house. The CPWD last month promised us that they will not cut

anymore trees and they will not demolish the house . But with a change of

alignment how can the promise be respected ? The first survey was done months

ago, stones put in place, trees cut and everything flattened, the only house on this

radial was then out of the right of way and safe .A new survey changed it and if

implemented will destroy unnecessarily many more trees and then the house will

be on the way and may be bulldozed. What a waste and for no benefit at all.
