News & Highlights from the Auroville Community
What is this journal about?
For more than three years, Auroville has been in the news due to recent turmoil and challenges in this international community located in southern India.
Founded in 1968 by Mirra Alfassa, more commonly known as the Mother, Auroville is a project based on the vision of the great sage and philosopher Sri Aurobindo. This unique experiment in human unity attracts seekers and visitors from all over India and the world.
Voice of Auroville is a quarterly journal to inform well-wishers and friends of Auroville across India and the globe on the current unfolding events with factual updates and articles. The contents convey perspectives from the majority of Auroville’s Residents’ Assembly (one of the Auroville Foundation’s three statutory bodies).
Download our last issue
- Editorial note – Redefining the lines
- Letter to UNESCO by the Auroville International Board
- Summary of recent events – June to October 2024
- Land consolidation: at what cost?
- Countering misleading narratives – Part 5
Read or download all Voice of Auroville issues