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An Offering
For a new beginning
திய த ொட
Une offrande
Pour un nouveau commencement
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Here is a first document conceived for a
collaborative work of scrutiny and research so as to
reach, now itself, in 2024, a new threshold of
common commitment at the service of Auroville.
The document which will result of this shared
research can then serve as a basis for a unified
collective action.
Notes for a new beginning.
There has been a break, a fracture, a disruption in
our collective experience and in the temporal history
of Auroville: in 2021, the central Government of
India took over the control of all assets, lands and
services of Auroville and massively invested public
funds, through its Ministry of Education, so as to
hasten what it deems to be a priority in the outer
development of the “project”.
This orientation has been made possible by the
conviction a number of Aurovilians held of the
imperative necessity to win back all the time lost in
the meanders of a collective experiment too
nebulous and vitiated by egoism.
According to them, the general plan of the
city-to-be as prepared by the team of Roger Anger
in the 70s, constituted an indefectible program of
action decreed by the Mother and neglected,
ignored or contested for far too long. This particular
approach has provided a laudable argument for the
Government to actually engage in its own principal
objective of reclaiming this whole enterprise of
international repute as its own on the world-scene,
determining its actions on the ground through its
chosen representatives.
This intervention has had many consequences,
materially as well as psychologically.