{"id": "1MDQ5Q0vxxH1cT9HJ4Dxwqp1nK0hJkVud", "title": "2024_11_Nov_15_TheHindu_F_Gautier_1_A_case_for_the_organic,_harmonious.pdf", "mimeType": "application\/pdf"}
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https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/a-case-for-the- organic-harmonious-growth-of-auroville/
A case for the organic, harmonious growth of
There are attempts being made to stifle Auroville’s
freedom and kill the dream that began in 1968
Published - November 15, 2024
‘Auroville is a unique experiment, one of the last Utopias of this world’ | Photo
Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto
Auroville, based on the vision of India’s great poet, philosopher,
revolutionary and yogi, Sri Aurobindo, was founded in 1968. His
spiritual companion, the Mother of Pondicherry, clearly defined
its charter: